International Dentist’s Day

International Dentist’s Day is celebrated on March 6 in many countries. On this holiday, we thank those who care about the health and beauty of our smiles. However, health of our teeth is a joint work of patients and doctors.

It is well known that many gastrointestinal diseases begin with dental problems. It is possible to combine rest and dental care in our Sanatorium! Therefore, the programs of health resort treatment in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium include consultations with a dentist. An integrated approach to health improvement can surprise you with its results.

We turned for recommendations to Gadzhimurad Bagatyrov, the dentist of the Kazakhstan Sanatorium, with the most frequently asked question: «How to keep your teeth healthy?».

We’ll share tips on dental health:

  • Proper oral care begins with daily brushing twice a day — each brushing lasts at least 2 minutes.
  • You should not neglect rinsing and flossing after meals.
  • The mucous membranes also need regular cleaning: the inside of the cheeks and tongue.
  • Reduce the amount of sweet food you eat.
  • Give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol and excessive coffee consumption.
  • Visit a dentist regularly, at least once a year, for a preventive examination.
  • Perform professional oral hygiene when visiting your doctor. During this procedure dental plaque is removed, and this allows to diagnose diseases at an early stage.