On new opportunities for women’s health restoration in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium

Savicheva Natalya Vasilyevna, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, head of the treatment and rehabilitation department in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium, answers our questions.

Natalya Vasilyevna, why did you decide to become an obstetrician-gynecologist? What were the reasons?

I come from a family of medical professionals and I’ve always wanted to be a doctor. I didn’t even consider other professions. At school I actively participated in the military-sports games Zarnitsa; you remember, in Soviet times they used to organize such games in pioneer camps, where we were taught to act in case of emergency, to provide medical assistance in the field… After school I immediately went to medical academy and then graduated from medical school of Rostov State Medical University with a degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology. I’ve always liked obstetrics. Obstetrics is associated with the birth of a new life, it’s always emotional, joyful and you get satisfaction from your work.

Could you please tell us how you became the head of the therapeutic and rehabilitation department of the Sanatorium?

I started my career as an obstetrician-gynecologist at a district hospital in the Rostov Region. I guess I’ve always had big ambitions because of my temper. I was constantly striving to develop and learn new things, so I decided to get additional specialization in «Organization in Public Health Service», and in 2010 I was appointed as Head of Women’s Clinic in Rostov-on-Don. This is a very responsible job, first and foremost you make sure that a woman’s pregnancy goes well and she gives birth to a healthy baby. At the beginning of 2022 I moved to Yessentuki. Here I was almost immediately called to the post of obstetrician-gynecologist in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium, and after 3 months I was offered to head the medical department of the Sanatorium.

What do you think of the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody? Already accustomed to live in Yessentuki after a million-plus city?

I really like it here: the whole resort atmosphere, the nature, the charm of the Caucasus region. While I was living in Rostov, I used to come to the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody for vacation annually for 15 years. I especially like to go to the mountains, where I recharge my energy, which I then share with my patients and colleagues. Now I have the opportunity to go to the mountains much more often, and I am very happy about it.

Where did you start when you became the head of the treatment and rehabilitation department?

First, I got acquainted with the work of the department, with the procedures and equipment, and concluded that it was necessary to develop the medical base, to introduce new physiotherapeutic procedures. For my part, I also saw that there was a need to expand the range of medical services in the field of gynecology. And this year, to solve this problem, we’ve already purchased a physiotherapeutic laser Lasmic Gynecologist and a device called Avantron.

Natalya Vasilyevna, why did you decide to buy this particular equipment? Which problems does it solve?

When I started working as an obstetrician-gynecologist in the Sanatorium, I realized that I was often approached by older women with menopause suffering certain problems: urinary incontinence, prolapse of the female genitalia and others. That’s why we bought a modern medical device, Avantron, which helps solve these problems and improves the quality of older women’s life. Avantron is a multifunctional device. It is successfully used in our Sanatorium not only for older women, but also in preparation for pregnancy, IVF program, infertility treatment. The device also works well in the postpartum period, because it restores the muscle tone of the pelvic floor, allows the woman to rehabilitate faster after childbirth. So, this device can be applied in a large variety of situations.

You have touched on a very important topic — the birth of healthy children. Does the Sanatorium have any special programs to restore the health of young women?

Yes, of course. We have a special program called Venera, aimed at restoration of women’s reproductive health in case of such diseases as infertility, menstrual cycle disorders, plevic inflammatory diseases, as well as at rehabilitation after surgical interventions and at preparation for IVF. We use mud therapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapy, hirudotherapy, climatotherapy. In order to improve treatment methods, this year we’ve purchased modern equipment for laser therapy — LASMIK Gynecologist 01 device. In gynecological disorders, laser therapy has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates tissue regeneration and reduces swelling. Laser therapy can be used as a stand-alone therapy or in combination with medication therapy. Combination therapy makes the rehabilitation period shorter and the treatment more effective.

What goal would you like to achieve next year? What are your plans?

We have already developed and are preparing to implement a new therapeutic method called Spa treatment in preparation for the program of assisted reproductive technologies. In addition, next year we plan to purchase a new expert class ultrasound machine with elastography, which will allow us to conduct more detailed gynecological examinations and expand the possibility of breast cancer diagnostics. We also plan to upgrade the equipment in the bathroom department for more comfortable procedures.

Thank you for the interesting conversation!