Star Guests of the «Kazakhstan» Sanatorium

The famous writer, Bayangali Alimzhanov, chose the Kazakhstan Sanatorium for his rest and recreation. Our Sanatorium held an evening with the writer, which brought together many fans of his work and admirers of the heroic epic of the Kazakh people.

The poet made a generous gift to the Sanatorium library fund, donating copies of his books, personally signed by the author. These works are extremely popular among our guests, who are happy to become acquainted with the talented writer’s works.

Bayangali Alimzhanov expressed his gratitude to the management and staff of the Kazakhstan Sanatorium for their hospitality and professionalism. He noted the amicable atmosphere of the Sanatorium, where people of different nationalities spend their vacations in peace and harmony. The poet emphasized that his work was devoted precisely to this — friendship and peace on the planet.