Meet our Sanatorium’s general practitioner

Today we’d like to tell you about Elena Borisovna Kazantseva, the Kazakhstan Sanatorium’s general practitioner. She dreamed of becoming a doctor from an early age. Now she has been working in this field for 17 years.

Elena Borisovna, please, tell us why you chose this profession.

I grew up in a family of doctors. My mother is a physician. I often spent time with her at work when I was a child. I saw how she helped people, and it was really inspiring. I wanted to do something important and useful for people. I do believe that the medical profession is a noble one, that’s why I entered a medical university.

Why did you decide to become a general practitioner?

When I was choosing the area of work after completing my basic training, I made a firm decision to link my life with general medicine. And I decided to be a general practitioner because I like to communicate with patients, choose a treatment plan for each patient using my knowledge and experience.

How long have you been working at the Kazakhstan Sanatorium? Why are you interested in spa medicine?

I’ve been working at this health resort for more than 10 years. Spa medicine attracts me because you can create a comprehensive individual approach to patients’ treatment. Your health condition can be improved due to a combination of natural factors and modern methods of recovery. We help to restore health, improve physical, psychological and emotional conditions and prevent the development of diseases in our Sanatorium.

Constant development and improvement are very important in the medical field. What additional areas for your development have you chosen?

Medicine develops quite quickly allowing more and more complex problems to be solved, shortening the recovery period. I believe that a doctor should monitor the latest trends and innovations in his/her field for self-development.

I like the integrative and holistic approach to treatment. Therefore, in addition to standard methods, I am also interested in alternative methods that I use in my practice: phytotherapy, hirudotherapy, nutritiology and others. Preventive medicine focuses not only on treatment, but also on recovery and rehabilitation.

What is the most important thing for you in your job? And what brings you joy?

The most important thing for me is that I can be useful to the society, help people, give them the right advice, thus improving the quality of their lives. The best part of it is to see the result of my work: happy faces of my patients, their grateful words.

On an ending note, let’s talk about your ways to relax and gain strength after work? Tell us about your hobbies and interests.

Despite the total dedication to my work, I still have time for hobbies: yoga and psychological practices.

It’s impossible not to be in love with the mountains when you live in the resort region. I love traveling with my family to the sights of the Caucasus, getting out of the city whenever possible.