A Love Indicator Appeared in Zheleznovodsk

Индикатор влюблённости появился на Аллее любви в Железноводске
Photo: kavkaz.mk.ru

An unusual art object was installed on the landscaped Alley of Love. These are two big hearts that will catch fire from true love. To do this, the lovers will need to put their palms to the special sensors.

“If you want to check the true feelings of your soul mate, welcome to Zheleznovodsk, to the renewed alley of love,” Evgeny Bakulin, head of Zheleznovodsk, invited vacationers.

More than 5 thousand residents of the resort voted in favor of Alley of Love at the rating vote under the program for the creation of comfortable urban environment.

Source: kavkaz.mk.ru