Manual body massage is a luxurious gift for your body

Manual medical body massage is a pleasant and effective way to support physical and emotional health.

Experienced specialists of the Kazakhstan Sanatorium will help to:

  • Relax tense muscles
  • Normalize sleep
  • Relieve stress
  • Be positive

Manual body massage is considered a classic one. This is a very effective and comfortable method of healing, which helps to get rid of swelling, pain, cosmetic defects, improves the functioning of individual organs and various body systems, and is an excellent prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Experts advise having manual massage on a regular basis. The method refers to physiotherapeutic practices.

Indications for manual body massage:

  • Painful sensations in the neck, back, joints
  • Rehabilitation after injuries
  • Depression, stress, anxiety
  • Headache, migraine

The Kazakhstan Sanatorium provides high-quality manual body massage services. You can sign up for procedures by calling +7 87934 99 367.