
One of the effective modern methods of treatment is photoradiotherapy. This method is successfully applied in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium with the use of low-intensity LAS-Expert laser therapy unit and magnetic-infrared laser therapeutic device RIKTA.
The low intensity laser used for such procedures changes the blood quality at the molecular level. As the result:
• vessels expand, becoming more passable even for viscous blood;
• activity of circulating immune cells and antibodies is increasing;
• metabolism is improving;
• process of cellular respiration is optimized;
• organ healing processes are accelerated;
• severity of inflammation is decreasing and, thus, an analgesic effect is achieved;
• blood flow improves and, at the same time, capillary permeability increases. As a result, the nutrition of all internal organs is improved, and therefore they become healthier;
• antioxidant protection of the body is increased;
• Vessels are “cleaned” from microorganisms in the blood, including viruses.
Among the main advantages of the method, we should highlight the absence of pharmaceuticals in therapy and, as a result, side effects. Photoradiotherapy is a hypoallergenic method of treatment. It is non-addictive and has a long therapeutic effect. For patients with high sensitivity to pain, this is the ideal treatment option, absolutely comfortable and painless.
You can get a consultation and appropriate treatment from our specialists. Make an appointment for a consultation by calling: +7-87934-9-93-67