Laboratory Diagnostics

The Kazakhstan Sanatorium has its own clinical and diagnostic laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with modern expert-class diagnostic technologies which have raised identification of existing disorders to a whole new level through the implementation of recent investigational parameters. The acquired information is interpreted by specialist physicians who can detect occult illnesses with high credibility, as well as tailor adequate therapy and elaborate maintenance procedures in chronic conditions.
A wide range of tests is available at the laboratory including:
• blood tests (17 parameters)
• blood and urine chemistry (low-molecular nitrogenous matters, pigments, lipids, enzymes, acute-phase proteins, macro-and microelements)
• laboratory pancreatic endocrine function tests and diabetes examination
• laboratory evaluation of thyroid function, androgenic function
• sperm tests
• tumor markers in venous blood by EIA
• detection of urogenital infection including occult one
• Helicobacter pylori total antibodies by immunoenzymatic assay
• Helicobacter pylori by Pap smear.
Please call +7-879-9-93-67 to make an appointment