Hirudotherapy in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium

Hirudotherapy is a treatment with medical leeches, which has a positive effect on the entire human body. During a hirudotherapy session the human body receives more than 100 beneficial bioactive substances, including hormones, enzymes, vitamins and amino acids.

Modern science is still unable to recreate this healing composition received by human body during the treatment with medical leeches.

As a result of hirudotherapy:

  • the blood flow increases and the blood quality becomes better
  • the edemas and blood shunting disappear
  • the immune system is improved
  • the body is cleansed of toxins
  • the metabolism process is better
  • the atherosclerosis is slowed down

You can experience the healing effect of hirudotherapy in our health resort.

Call +7 (87934) 99 367 to contact our medical record administrator for making an appointment.