Hirudotherapy in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium

How can you postpone the aging, improve your health and rejuvenate your body?

Experience the miraculous power of hirudotherapy.

During a hirudotherapy session the human body receives more than 100 useful bioactive substances, including hormones, enzymes, vitamins and amino acids. Even modern science with all its technologies cannot copy this amazing composition and recreate it as pills or ointment.

Medicinal leeches are beneficial to the whole body:

  • the blood flow increases and the blood quality becomes better;
  • the edemas and blood shunting disappear;
  • the immune system is improved;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins;
  • the metabolism process is better;
  • the atherosclerosis is slowed down.

The body is rejuvenated in all aspects.

Book a trip and “put off” the aging for a decade in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium.