
The Kazakhstan Sanatorium offers a wide range of highly effective modern treatment methods. Hirudotherapy is one of them.

Medical leeches are recommended to apply if you suffer from various diseases of cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, and gastrointestinal tract. They relieve symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders, urological, gynaecological and proctological diseases, skin conditions, eye problems, as well as ENT diseases.

Hirudotherapy has no side effects, it has a minimum of contraindications. Leeches safely affect the body, providing invaluable benefits. It has been proven that during the session more than 100 natural healing substances get into human blood: hormones, enzymes, vitamins and amino acids. No drug has such unique healing properties.

Hirudotherapy can:

  • Increase the blood flow and blood quality
  • Help you get rid of edemas and blood shunting
  • Boost your immunity
  • Remove toxins from your body
  • Speed up metabolism
  • Slow down atherosclerosis
  • Rejuvenate skin and body
Our hirudotherapeutist will help you determine whether you need a course of hirudotherapy.