Electrostatic massage with the Khivamat device
Khivamat is one of the most popular innovative practices used in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium. This is a physiotherapy device using electrical impulses to affect your body. You can see its therapeutic effect due to deep oscillation, i.e. repeated wave oscillations. All cellular and molecular structures in the body are affected during the treatment.
Khivamat device causes waves penetrating into the tissues, including connective tissue. The healing effect is enhanced by the applicator and hands of a masseur: they knead all necessary areas of the body that need treatment, thus, contributing to their recovery.
Electrostatic massage with the Khivamat device affects your skin more deeply: pulses increase friction and tissues flexibly resist its effects.
Khivamat procedure has the following diverse therapeutic effects:
- Prevents the formation of fibrous tissue
- Reduces inflammation
- Improves blood microcirculation
- Speeds up the excretion
- Activates lymphatic flow and fights swelling
- Improves the vitality of the skin and the body as a whole
- Has an analgesic effect and helps to ease the consequences of injuries
- Has a regenerating effect, accelerating the healing process of wounds
- Repetitive light vibration is relaxing
The technique is universal. Rehabilitation on the Khivamat device is used in all fields of medicine. Positive dynamics are noted in the treatment of the musculoskeletal apparatus, including arthritis, myositis, intervertebral hernias, back pain and muscle strain. Electrostatic massage is a good remedy for neuralgia. It eases symptoms of the respiratory system diseases, vascular pathologies and cellular nutrition disorders, including Bechterew’s disease and gout.
Khivamat therapy is performed by a qualified physiotherapy nurse. It is necessary to strictly comply with the instructions for use, age, sex and health characteristics of the patient. Electrostatic massage is prescribed only after a comprehensive examination and exclusion of possible contraindications.