Until the end of March — holidays at old prices

Now is the time to take a course of spa treatment as well as boost your energy for the whole year and at the same time save your budget.

Only until the end of March you can be treated in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium at prices of 2023. «Standart» Voucher with a set of medical and health-improving procedures, 3 meals per day according to the order system as well as accommodation in a double room will cost 6 500 rubles per day.

The total savings will depend on the number of planned days of stay and the category of the accommodation room.

There are far fewer people at this time of year than in peak season, and the benefits of spa treatment are greater! In winter, the body especially needs to recover and strengthen the immune system.

The mild climate of the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody allows you to enjoy nature walks and visit sights at a comfortable temperature. It won’t be boring for sure!

Have a rest and improve your health in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium right now!

Book your holiday by calling:
8 (800) 707-78-47 (toll-free within the Russian Federation)
8 (928) 308-24-51 (WhatsApp)