To be on a first-name basis with allergies

Summer is coming, which means daisies, peonies, lilies, and cereal plants begin to bloom. Allergy sufferers are the first to notice this. If you follow simple recommendations from specialists at the Kazakhstan Sanatorium, you can survive seasonal allergies quite easily.


  1. Use medications that coat the nasal mucosa and prevent the allergen from settling.
  2. You can use medical masks; they will protect your nose and mouth from direct contact with irritants.
  3. It is better to temporarily cancel walks outside the city, as the pollen concentration there is many times higher.

At the Kazakhstan Sanatorium, allergy sufferers can undergo effective procedures to make the flowering period as painless as possible:

  • inhalations are a real salvation for nasal congestion, rhinitis and diseases of the ENT organs
  • speleotherapy sessions in the salt room relieve inflammation and swelling, thin mucus and remove it from the lungs

You can sign up for the procedures at the Kazakhstan Sanatorium by calling +7 87934 99 367.