The healing mud of Lake Tambukan is widely used for the treatment of osteochondrosis in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium

Lake Tambukan is one of the most popular places of therapeutic and recovery tourism in the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody. There are legends about this unique waterbody. The effectiveness of using the therapeutic mud from this lake has been proven by scientific works.

In the Kazakhstan Sanatorium the mud of Lake Tambukan is widely used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. But most importantly, the health resort has a unique engineering system of preparation, regeneration, heating and supply of therapeutic mud to the treatment booths. Not all sanatoriums can boast such a high-quality and original natural material, the healing properties of which are maximally preserved thanks to this system.

The mud storage area contains four bunkers with a total capacity of 40 tons. This is a special room where the necessary rules of storage and regeneration of the famous mud are observed, which, in turn, allows to preserve all its therapeutic properties.

Healing properties of Tambukan mud

  • treats osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis
  • heal the effects of fractures
  • helps with skin conditions
  • speeds up the healing of scars

Healing mud is especially useful in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Sulfide-silt deposits of Lake Tambukan are used in the Kazakhstan Sanatorium in the form of applications and wraps. Treatments with natural material help with inflammation, have a relaxing and resolving effect.

The mass, already heated to a comfortable body temperature of 38 C and specially treated, is pumped directly into the treatment booths. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The couches are equipped with a heating system, which allows you to maintain the necessary temperature throughout the procedure.

Carefully designed system of mud supply contributes to the maximum therapeutic effect, while the procedure is very comfortable, and the guests of the sanatorium are happy to take it.