Heated swimming pool and sauna

The Kazakhstan Sanatorium’s swimming pool is a wonderful place which gives our guests warmth, health and aesthetic pleasure.

Due to its unusual shape and size, the pool is great for comfortable and free swimming all year round. Panoramic windows create a unique atmosphere of open space and let you unite with nature.

Heated pool with a temperature of 27.7 to 28 degrees Celsius helps to strengthen your body, improves your general well-being and mood.

Different water installations help getting significant health benefits from swimming in the pool. They are used to get a favorable therapeutic and relaxing effect on the body and muscles. Hydromassage in the pool has a gentle impact on the body, so a properly selected mode and water pressure make it acceptable to most visitors.

Together with our swimming pool, you have a great opportunity to experience the benefits of sauna. It may feel good to take a dip in a swimming pool after hot sauna. These activities have a lot of useful properties with the right approach — they harden, heal, normalize metabolism and keep your skin young, stimulate your body and help to relax.